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38 J ♦ FL M.E.A.L.S. Combo (2024 Renewal) = 5-hours in: 4 Lab Areas


4  Lab Areas:  M edical

                  E rrors Prevention

                             A IDS HIV 

                              L aws + CLP Board Rules

                              S upervision  Administration 


  ► This course EXPIRES (MUST be completed by) 11:55pm (ET) on :                  Aug. 30, 2024


This course meets the following RENEWAL requirements: 

  • Florida’s  minimum in each of the 4 areas above
  • ASCP's  remaining points in other lab areas of interest 
  • Other national and/or state license needs


This combo course contains the following 4 articles: 

  • “Lab Medical Errors”, by Florida Excell, Inc.

  • "Techniques For Root Cause Analysis”, by Baylor Medical Center     

  • “HIV Testing In the United States" by CDC and the Henry Kaiser Family Foundation

  • Florida  Laws and CLP Rules", by Florida Excell, Inc.  

 (This = 60 pages in total)​

 * *  To view the details of the individual courses listed above, scroll to the bottom of the page. 


Total of 5-hours 5-points in:

  • 2 in M edical

          E rrors  

  • 1 in A IDS • HIV
  • 1 in L aws & CLP Board Rules
  • 1 in S upervision  Administration (renewal) 


 ►  Please Note the ONE Option Below: 

        Your only OPTION :   

► Entire  PACKAGE includes:  

   (1) e-mail with (1) attachment; sent to each individual's HOME                       e-mail address listed on order:   

            The attachment has the printable questions & articles (to work off-line) + the link,    (with instructions), to the ONLINE Quiz to 38 J (FL  MEALS Combo • 2024 renewal)


►► Check spam & trash folders at 9am or 9pm (Eastern), for the e-mail.

     Priced at . . $ 48

 • ALL Certificates will be available ONLINE  ONLY for you to print / save upon achieving a passing score (70%) online • 

     The Medical Errors section includes the incidence of laboratory errors, error reduction, root cause analysis, error prevention, and patient safety as it relates to the practice of clinical laboratory personnel.

     The AIDS HIV section includes the updated recommendations (from the U.S. Dept of HHS, the CDC, and the ACA), discussion of mandatory testing, benefits of more frequent testing, and the supporting role of most insurance companies.

     The Laws + Board Rules (Clinical Lab)  and  Supervision  Administration (renewal) sections are as follows:        

     Florida Statute, Chapter 483, Part III, addresses the general policy, purpose, definitions, creation of the Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel (CLP), powers of the Board to collect fees, institute licensure, approve training programs, and levy disciplinary action, and penalties. 

     The Rules enacted by the Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel, as Chapter 64B3, (1-13), address the specific (amended and/or pertinent) organizations, definitions (in regard to laboratories and personnel), approved training programs, training registration, licensure, examinations, renewal and reactivation of licensure and inactive status, fees, scope of practice, continuing education, discipline (including penalties and revocation of licensure) and responsibilities.  Although only the amended and/or pertinent chapters are discussed in this course, all chapters, titles and rule are accessible at: https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/Organizations.asp?OrgNo=64b3.  Department of Health General Continuing Education Rule 64B-5.002 address the Responsibility of the Continuing Education Providers and Licensees, and is accessible at:  https://www.flrules.org/gateway/RuleNo.asp?ID=64B-5.002.